Wednesday, October 29, 2008


By George Orwel
Submitted by group 1
Class C

A. Summary
In a barn at Mr.Jones' Manor Farm, Old Major, an old pig who is so highly respected, describes a dream he had about a free living for animals from the tyranny of their human masters. Soon after the meeting, Old Major dies peacefully in his sleep. The animals will continue Major's dream. Napoleon and Snowball prove themselves important figures. Animalism is their complete system of thought. Every Sunday morning, all the animals assemble in a barn to do regular meeting and they sing their necessary song titled" The Beast of England ". They make Seven Commandments of Animalism, those are:
1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
2. Whatever goes upon four legs is a friend
3. No animal shall wear clothes
4. No animal sleep in a bad
5. No animal drink alcohol
6. No animal kill any other animal
7. All animal are equal
One night, Mr. Jones goes into Willingdon and gets so drunk at Red Lion. He comes back in the morning and forgets to feed the animals. The animals are hungry and they rebel. Mr. Jones and men can be chased away from the farm. Manor Farm is theirs and it is renamed Animal Farm.
After Jones is chased away from farm, he spend his time in a pub and tells his troubles to his friends: Pilkington the owner of Foxwood and Frederick the owner of Pinch field. As soon as possible, in October, Jones and his friends arrive in Animal Farm to snatch the
farm again. But Snowball and Friends can drive them away. The battle of Cowshed is the name of that battle.
One day, Snowball announces his plan to build Windmill in Animal Farm but Napoleon disagrees with his plan. Napoleon has own reason, he thinks that building Windmill will waste time. As soon as possible, the Windmill begins to be built. The animals work hard. In November, a storm topples the half-fmished Windmill. Napoleon tells that Snowball is responsible for its ruin. Squealer also tells that Snowball has sold himself to Frederick.
Snowball disappears for along time so Napoleon begins to rebuild Windmill. Napoleon becomes a respected animal. Eventually, The Beast of England is outlawed and a new song by Minimus, a Napoleon's pig poet is instituted.
To get more money for building Windmill, Napoleon sells a pile of timber to Pilkington and Frederick. But finally Frederick tricks Napoleon, he pays it with false money and he plans to attack Animal Farm. The animals can get victory then.
In April, Animal Farm is proclaimed a Republic and Napoleon is elected President.
Napoleon orders a schoolroom to be built for their education. The building Windmill is continued. Boxer, a strong horse, works as hard as he can. Because of his hard working, he fells down and hurt, Boxer is brought to the hospital. But in a fact, Boxer is sold in order to the pigs can get money for buying whisky.
Year pass, Animal Farm has changed. Moriel, Bluebel, Jessie and Pincher, the dogs are all dear. Jones dies in an inebriates home, the Windmill has been completed and is used for milling com.
In evening, Clover a tout motherly mare, sees Squealer walks on his hind legs and other pigs follow him. The pigs begin carrying whips and wearing Jones clothes. The seven commandments has changed "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others".
The pigs realize that they have changed their attitude and they are unable to discriminate between the humans and the pigs.
B. Analysis
1. Theme : the rebellion of animals againts a man
2. Setting
a. Time
• Every Sunday
• In October : the Battle of Cowshed happens
b. Place
1. Manor Farm (Animal Farm) : the Jones farm and the animals live in
2. Willingdon: a city that is near from animal farm
3. Foxwood : Pilkington's field that is large and much overgrown by woodland
4. Pinchfield: Frederick's farm that is small and well keep
5. Red Lion : place where Mr. Jones gets so drunk
c. Situation
1. Calm : the animals listen the ad major's announcement
2. Sadness :
  • Old Major dies
  • The animals die because they fight with a man in the Battle of Cowshed
3. Happiness: -
  • The animals can get the Manor Farm and renamed Animal Farm
  • The animals build the Windmill together
  • The animal farm proclaimed a Republic
4. Surprised : Clover sees that Squealer and the other animals walk on their hind legs.
3. Character
1. Mayor character
a. Old Mayor: the old pig who is respected in Animal Farm
b. Mr. Jones: the owner of Manor Farm, a drunken
c. Napoleon : a smart pig who becomes a president of Animal Farm, good planner
d. Snowball: a smart pig, quick in speech, clever
e. Mr. Pilkington : the owner of Foxwood, hard worker
f. Mr. Frederick : the owner ofPinchfield, hard worker, a tricker
g. Squealer : an intelligent pig, the follower of Napoleon, clever talker
2. Minor character
a. Boxer : a strong horse, hard worker : a stout motherly mare
b. Clover : a stout motherly mare
c. Minimus : a Napoleon's pig poet
d. Mr. Whyrnper : a solicitor living in Willingdon, sly-looking little man with side whiskers
e. Benjamin: the oldest donkey, the worst tempered : the white mare
f. Moses: the tame raven who was Mr. Jones' esp. pet, a shy and a tale bearer, a lazy raven
g. Mrs. Jones : Jones’ wife
All the animals in Animal Farm : they so respect Napoleon

3. Protagonist
a. Old Major
b. Boxer
c. Clover
4. Antagonist
a. Mr. Jones and a man
b. Napoleon
c. Squealer
d. Snowball
4. Plot
a. Exposition: Old major announces his dream to make a free living for the animals. The animals will rebel against a man
b. Rising action: The manor Farm, Mr. Jones' farm, can be owned by the animals. Animal Farm is their farm. They have seven commandments that must be obeyed by all animals
c. Climax : Year pass, the animals change their attitude and break the seven commandments. They walk on their hind legs and wear Mr. Jones; clothes
d. Catasthrope : The animals are unable to discriminate between the humans and the pigs.
5. Moral Messages
a. Dictatorship will make suffer
b. Help each other and never give up
c. The old people must be respected
d. Don't use your smart brain to do bad thing


Robinson Crusoe
By Daniel Dafoe
Submitted by Group 2
Class B

He was born in the year 1632 in the city of York. His mother's family name was Kreutzneur, but they always called themselves Crusoe. So, his name was Robinson. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but Robinson was set going to the sea. His father ever said to him, "If he stayed at home, he would have all that he could one". His father wanted Robinson not to think of living home.
One year later, he was in the seaport of Hull. He sailed to London with his friend on first September 1651. He had been at sea for six day when they came to Yarmouth. On their eight day at Yarmouth the sea was so high that several waves come over the side of the ship. The weather become danger, so captain sent out signal for helping. Then, there was a lightship help them.
In London he made some very good friends. One of them was the captain wanted to go to there again and the captain invited him to join. Robinson accepted the captain offering and on the voyage with him. Robinson carried forty pounds of toys and other articles. This voyage made him both a sailor and merchant. After this voyage, the captain died. Robinson gave two hundred of his three hundred pounds profit to captain's widow. In the voyage to the canary island, a Turkish pirate ship chased them. They killed three of Robinson's men and wounded another eight. They were all taken as prisoners. The captain of Turkish pirate ship made Robinson as his slave. The captain of Turkish pirate took him to his home. Then, the captain went to sea again, Robinson kept the captain's garden and
do the work in the house. The captain of Turkish pirate came again, Robinson was sent to live on board of the ship to guard it. One day, Robinson and servant "Xury" run away with boat. Then, they met Portuguese ship and got in to the ship. The ship went to Brazil. He lived four years at Brazil. After that, Robinson and three companions sailed again. When he and ten companions were on a small boat, there was huge waves behind them. It broke the boat and they were struggling in the sea.
Robinson was wrecked in an island. All of his companions died. He made a raft to take foods and tools on his break ship. He founds two pistols and two guns, some powder of horns, two rusty old swords, European and Brazilian money worth about thirty six pounds in all. He made a tent that was on the side of the hill, which was sheltered from the sun until the evening. He didn't want to lose all of time. Unless, had some sort of calendar. He landed on the island September 3 th 1659. In his lonely life, he had two cats and a dog from the ship.
On the 15th of June, He• began to explore his island. He found melons and grapes were growing in the valley when spring.
His clothes began to drop to pieces. Then, he made clothes from the goats skin and made a canoe from a big tree. When he was walking at the beach, he found skulls, hand, feet, and bones. It was now December in his twenty year later. He saw the light of fIre on the share. They was the ftrst time that the savage had come to the island. He saw nine savages sitting round the fIre, they killed prisoner for eating. Robinson was so angry and he will killed them if they were to came again. Many months later, he hear the
sound of a gun and he could see a ship. He made a good fIre on the top of the hill to give a signal to the ship in the morning that the ship had been wrecked upon the rocks. How he was disappointed he was and how sad for those who had lost their life. Ifthere were one or two men sti11live from that ship. He thought and he would have a companion to talk to. He had been here alone for a long times.
One morning, he saw that there were fIve canoes on his side of the island. He knew that fIve or six man at ashore. He took his gun and telescope. He climbed the hill to see what could discover about the party. They ate the prisoners in one of the canoes. Mean while the other prisoner was left by himself were ready to kill him too. He help the poor prisoner and he fIght with two savages and they died. Poor prisoner was very frightened. He become prisoner Robinson's servant in the morning. Robinson wanted to take him and called him Friday. He told his story about his tribe to be killed and eaten.
One morning, he asked Friday to go to the seashore to see ifhe could fme a turtle. When he was doing that, he saw three ships and he said "master ! bad things". He saw nineteen savages and three prisoners were sitting around a fIre. Then, they shoot the savages and fought with them when save the prisoner. He was a Spanish. But, there was savages escaped by canoe. He cut the rope from the prisoner. Friday dose the prisoner, hugh, and kiss him. In fact, the prisoner was his father. One month latter, when Robinson was sleeping, Friday woke up him and said they were come. He jump and got his clothes on. Than, he saw an English ship with his telescope. There were eleven men and broke three prisoners. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he had finished preparing for the night. When the savages were sleeping, he came closing the prisoners. In fact, the prisoner was the captain of the ship. His men have mutinied against him. Robinson gave appointment with the captain of English ship. Robinson said two things to the captain:
• If I gave you a gun you will return it to me and do not harm either to me or to my passion.
• Condition is that if you get your ship you will take me and my servant, Friday to England.
The captain accepted it. Robinson gave three muskets ready to fire. The captain and the companion shoot them. After that, the captain shot the boatswain until died and two boatswain's friends ran away. Robinson Crusoe made the men who mutinied the captain surrender with his tactics. Then, they join with Robinson. The captain now had twelve men in this party. He and Friday were to stay on the island until the ship had been captured. Then, the captain and his mate sprang quickly on boat and knocked down the men and shot the leader through the head. After that, all of the crew surrender. This was the signal that they were succsesfull. In the morning, the captain called governor (Robinson Crusoe as the governor), he said "come and look your ship". Robinson called all the prisoner, explained that he was the governor and he had the power to hung them. The captain sent a boat for Robinson and also asked him to hang. The following morning, the small boat took him and he said to himself that "I had been here for twenty eight years. Than, Robinson gave his sword and his gun to
A. Main Character is Robinson Crusoe
He has round character, he is brave, skillfull, and also spite. Why he is spite? becase of he didn't allow his father's advice about leaving home anymore, but after a few weeks the desire for adventure returned.
B. Minor Characters
1. Friday: He has round character. Friday is innocent, able, have a big responsibility. He has black and long hair, his nose is small but not fat, and he had a very good mouth with thin lips.
2. Kreutznauer (Robinson's Father): He has flat character. He is a discipline man. He gave Robinson a good education and wanted him to be a good lawyer.
3. Robinson's Friend: He has flat character. He is a kind man, good tempered, brave.
4. The Captain: He has flat character. An able man, discipline, hard think. Because when the wind again become stronger, saw no danger.
5. The Captain's Widow: She has flat character. She is wise, kind women.
6. The Pirate of Turkish Ship: Flat Character. Cruel, stem, unfair. The pirates killed three of Robinson's men and wounded another eight.
7. The Captain of Turkish Pirate: He has flat character. He is stem and rude. He made Robinson as his slave.
8. Moor: He has round Character. He is faithful, objective, able. He is also a man with full of trick.
9. Xury: He has flat character. He is innocent, tender, able, faithfully, honest.
10. The Captain of Portuguese Ship : He has flat character. He has a good intelligent, kind, and honest. He gave Robinson all that he had promised.
11. The Captain of English Ship : He has flat character. He is brave and honest. He helped Robinson to leave the island.
12. The Savages: They were bad persons. They were cannibals because they eat human.
13. Friday's Father : He was an old man that will be eaten by the savages.
14. Tom Smith: He has round character. He mutinied his captain. However, he was surrender and helped Robinson.
15. WiIlFrye: He was a bad person, because he mutinied his captain.
16. Will Atkins : He was a bad person, because he mutinied his captain.
The point of view from this novel : Perceptual Point of View
1. On the 1st September 1651
1. Robinson went on board of the ship, which was going to London.
2. On the 30th September 1659
3. Robinson came on shore.
4. 3.On the 15th of June
5. Robinson Crusoe began to explore his island.
6. 4. In the middle of October
7. It began to rain heavily and the weather became settled.
8. 5. Atthe end of December
9. Robinson was able to harvest his crop and gathered in two sacks of rice and two and a half.
10. 6 On the 6th of November
11. Robinson filled the lockers with food and set out his trip.
12. 7. In the middle of May
13. An accident happened which put the savages out his mind for the time being.
14. 8. On the 19th of December 1686 Robinson Crusoe left the island.
15. 9. On the 11th of June 1687
16. The ship reached England after a long voyage.

1. York : Important city in England. It's a place where Robinson's family lived.
2. The Seaport of Hull : It's a place where Robinson started his voyage.
3. Cramer : It's a place when Robinson landed after a ship help his ship.
4. London : It's a place where Robinson made some good friends.
5. The Canary Island : It's a place when a Turkish pirate ship chased Robinson and his friend.
6. Brazil : It's a place where Robinson became a sugar planter.
7. The Island : It's a place where Robinson was wrecked.
8. Cave : It's a place that kept the dangerous prisoners
9. Round House : It's a place where the captain killed the leader that mutinied him.
10. Captain's Cabin : It's a place where Robinson found gun and some ammunition. There were two guns and two pistols, and Robinson took some powder of horns.
11. In The Break Ship : It's a place where Robinson found pistols, guns, some clothes, foods, and some useful tools.
12. In Ashore Island : It's a place where the Spanish will be shoot when they take a rest.
13. Valley : It's a place where Robinson found grapes which he had gathered and to be dry.
The theme of this novel : Adventure
1. Patient is the good way to solve problem.
2. Don't ever think to surrender.
3. One good turn reserves another.
1. Exposition: Robinson Crusoe was born in the year 1632 in the city of York. His father anted him to became a lawyer.
2. Rissing Action : One year later, Robinson Crusoe was in the seaport of hull. He sailed to London with his friend of first September 1651. After eight day their voyage, the sea was so high that several waves come over side of the ship.
3. Climaks: When Robinson and ten companions were sailing in the Guinea coast their ship met two storm and made their ship was broken. Unfortunately, the wind dropped mast. They tried to go to the land by a boat but there was a huge wave come, it lifted the boat and tossed it forward. They were all struggling in the sea.
4. Falling Action: Robison and the companion captured the English ship from the mutiny men.
5. Catastrope: Robinson Crusoe, the captain, Friday, and their companion left island and they went home to England.



By Group 5

Class A


To begin with, we would like to express our gratitude to God The Almighty, The Most Merciful, The Most Graceful, for all the gift and blessing given for us so that we can finish this with no obstacles.

Actually, The Scarlet Letter is so interesting novel to read. We are really enjoy it, more than any other aspects from this novel is about Nathaniel Hawthorne's way to picture the 17th century of Puritan's life in Boston. But then, we don't neglect that this novel is difficult enough to be understood since the language (the diction in this case) is so hard. Almost all the diction aren't in common English which we usually use but in old English one, for example: the using of thou for you, thy for yours etc.

Anyway, reading and analyzing this novel is quite fun and it is impossible for us to finish this paper without any other's help. So, in this chance, we would like to thanks to you all, who have helped us in composing this, for all the suggestion and for everything, thanks guys for being the helping hands, you all are such an angel. Our biggest thanks is dedicated especially for our honorable and beloved Lecturer, Mr. Rosyid Dodiyanto, for all the guidance and so many kinds of innumerable help given for, us.

Finally, we do hope that you'll give us advices, suggestions or criticism for the better result since we do realize that we might have so many mistakes in this imperfect paper.

A. Summary

In the beginning of the story, Hester Prynne, a young women, with her three months old baby in her arms, were led from the town prison through market place to the scaffold where she was publicly shamed. She wore scarlet letter A on the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourished of gold thread. The scarlet letter A represented the act of adultery that she committed which led to the birth of her baby, Pearl. The scarlet letter was a badge of shame, a symbol of sin that had to be worn all the times as a punishment for her adultery. At the scaffold, she was forced by the magistrates ­Governor Bellingham, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale and Reverend John Wilson - to reveal the father of Pearl. But, Hester insisted not to reveal the name of her lover.

At that time, she met her husband, Roger Prynne who just arrived in Boston after his long dwelt in Amsterdam. Roger swore that he would find the person who committed adultery with her and took revenge with him. But, there were no one in Boston who knew that Roger was Hester's husband since Roger Prynne changed his name into Roger Chillingworth. He also forced Hester to keep his identity as a secret to make his revenge easier. Then, Roger earned a reputation as a Physician or Doctor and stayed in the same house with Arthur Dimmesdale.

Seven years passed, Roger became Arthur's doctor since Arthur's health was getting worse. Arthur suffered from mysterious heart trouble that seemingly caused by psychological distress and someday, Roger accidentally found that the person whom he looked for was Arthur Dimmesdale when he discovered an A imprinted in Arthur's chest! A very pious clergymen that seemed impossible to do a such kind of adultery with Roger's wife. But then, ya ... Arthur was the person!

To protect her lover from any kinds of Roger's bad treatment, Hester arranged an encounter with Arthur in the forest. Then, she revealed that Roger was her husband to Arthur.

Surprisingly knew that Roger was Hester's husband, Arthur then agreed to go away from Boston to Europe by ship 4 days later with Hester and Pearl, their daughter, and started a new life as a family.

But, the day before the ship sailed was a public holiday, when Arthur delivered his sermon in front of the townspeople. After finishing his sermon, Arthur walked to the scaffold and stood there beside Hester and Pearl. At that time, he revealed who he was and showed the letter A that burned in his chest. He told that he was a sinner, like Hester, and he was the real father of Pearl. He also confessed that he should stand there seven years earlier with Hester, when she was firstly publicly shamed. He fell dead just after Pearl kissed him.

Frustrated in his revenge, Roger died a year later. Pearl inherited all Roger's wealth since Roger wanted so even though she wasn't his daughter. After it, Hester and Pearl left Boston. Hester came back several years later, still wearing the scarlet letter in her bosom until she dead and buried in the site of King's Chapel. But, Pearl never returned to Boston, she stayed in Europe, got married and lived happily with her family.

B. Analysis

1. Theme : The theme of this novel is about Sin, Guilt (whether it is public guilt or private guilt) and punishment.

Committing adultery in Puritans was called as sin that could make the execution of both the sinners happened. But then, the parameter of the sin itself is difficult enough to explain. Was it a sin -that had to lead the sinners to be executed - if the adultery really had no impact upon the lives of society? And which was exactly a sin, marrying a person with no love or loving someone and committing adultery when her husband was out nowhere? Well, it is difficult we thought to make a justification about sin.

In this novel, Hawthorne illustrated the differences between shaming the sinner in public and allowing the sinner to suffer the consequences of the adultery privately. We thought that private guilt which led to emotional destruction and psychological distress were more than enough punishment for the adultery, just like what Arthur's got.

For Hester Prynne, the scarlet letter and Pearl -the product of adultery ­were a symbol and reminder for her that daily taught her to make her Pearl to be the wiser and better than her.

For Arthur Dimmesdale, his private guilt made him more sympathy and understood another sinners. It also made him more powerful to deliver his sermon since it came from the deepest sinful and regretful heart.

2. Character

a. Major character

1. Hester Prynne

She is the protagonist of the novel with a round character. She was young, tall, with a figure of perfect elegance. She had dark hair and deep black eyes. She committed adultery with Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale that finally led to Pearl's birth. But, she never revealed the name of Pearl's father to the society. That's why she was publicly shamed by wearing scarlet letter on her bosom all the times. She was firm actually since she insisted to identify the name of her lover.

2. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale

He was a young clergyman who had come from one of the great English Universities. He had white and impending brow, large brown and melancholy eyes. He was the real father of Pearl. When Hester was publicly shamed, he suffered with his private guilt since none knew that he was also a sinner. He was his own deceiver till he finally revealed the truth after seven years passed, before he died.

3. Roger Chillingworth

He is the antagonist in this novel. A white man, small but tall, with his shoulder rose higher than the other. He was learned English man who long dwelt in Amsterdam. He arrived in Boston at the day when Hester, his wife, was publicly shamed by committing adultery. He then became a physician and stayed in the same house with Arthur. He swore to take revenge to the person who committed adultery with his wife. Knowing that the person he looked for was Arthur, he tortured him by let Arthur suffered with his private guilt.

4. Pearl

She is Hester's daughter. She was beautiful, naughty and wild.

Hester named her Pearl as being of great price that purchased with all she had and as Hester's only treasure. As a product of sin, Pearl was to remind her mother at every moment of Hester's fall. When Arthur revealed his identity as Pearl's father, she kissed him before her father died. She then left Boston with her mother and she never returned to Boston anymore, although her mother came back and spent the rest of her life in Boston, Pearl stayed in Europe, got married and lived happily ever after.

b. Minor character

1. Townspeople: they always mocked Hester since Hester was publicly shamed by wearing scarlet letter as a symbol of adultery.

2. Governor Bellingham: he was Governor of Massachusetts in 1641, 1654 and from 1665 to 1672. he was one of the magistrates that believed whether Hester should not be allowed to stay with her daughter since he was afraid that Hester who was a sinner would bring bad influence to her baby, so he wanted to take Pearl and gave her a good religious education but Hester refused it.

3. John Wilson: he was Puritan clergyman who emigrated to Massachusetts in 1630. he was the eldest clergyman of Boston and a great scholar. He was a friend of Arthur Dimmesdale and one of the magistrates who forced Hester to identify the name of her lover.

4. Master Bracket : he was a good man, the jailer who always interacted with Hester and her baby when they stayed in the town prison.

5. Mistress Hibbins : she was the sister of Governor Bellingham. She usually and routinely sneaked into the forest during the night to conduct business in the service of 'The Black Man'. She almost wore a gown of rich velvet all the times. But finally, she was hanged because she was accused as a witch.

6. BlackMan :black Man is a nick name for an evil who lived in the forest. The common superstition of that period said that Black Man haunted the forest, carried a book with him -a big heavy book with iron claps - . Black Man offered his book and an iron pen to everyone who met him in the forest and they were to write their names with their own blood.

3. Setting

a. Time

This novel set in 17th century in Boston, Massachusetts, in a Puritan settlement.

1. In the summer morning: when Hester was publicly shamed in the scaffold, wearing the scarlet letter A in her bosom as a symbol of adultery.

2. Obscure night of early May: when Arthur Dimmesdale desperately stood in the scaffold and suffered with his private guilt.

3. One day in April: when Hester met Arthur in the forest to reveal that Roger was her husband and to arrange a plan to go away from Boston to Europe.

4. The New England Holiday: when Arthur delivered an Election Sermon and finally told the truth to the society before he fell died.

b. Place

1. Town Prison house, in the vicinity of cornhill : where Hester and her three months old baby were imprisoned.

2. The scaffold, at the western of the market place, near Boston's earliest church: where Hester was publicly shamed as a punishment of her adultery and where Arthur revealed the truth that he was a sinner and fell died seven years after Hester firstly publicly shamed.

3. Market place at the Puritan settlement: where the townspeople mocked Hester as a punishment of her adultery.

4. The mansion of Governor Bellingham: where the magistrates wanted to take Pearl away from her mother and forced Hester to identify the name of her lover.

5. Forest: where Hester met Arthur secretly to reveal that Roger was her husband. In this place, Mistress Hibbins also usually did some business toward Black Man.

6. The meeting house: when Arthur delivered his election sermon in the public holiday.

7. Graveyard in King's Chapel site: where Hester was buried when she died some years later.

8. Europe: where Pearl got married and lived with her family.

c. Condition

1. Shameful: when Hester was publicly shamed and forced to wear scarlet letter all the times.

2. Suffered: when Arthur felt guilty since society claimed him as a pious man but, he was actually not as pious as they thought.

3. Revengeful: when Roger swore that he would find the person who committed adultery with his Vtrife and take revenge with him.

4. Relieved: when Arthur finally told the truth, he then felt so free because he no longer kept his secret and his sin.

5. Sad: when Hester was left by Arthur since he fell died after he revealed the truth.

4. Point of View

Use omniscient point of view that is 3rd person point of view since narrator knew all and the story is based on her thought.

5. Plot

1. Exposition : Hester was led to be publicly shamed with her baby in her arms and a scarlet letter in her bosom.

2. Raising action: knowing that his wife committed adultery and had a baby as a result of her adultery made Roger Chillingworth swore to find that man and take revenge toward him. He then became a physician and stayed in the same house with Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale.

3. Climax : seven years passed, Roger finally found that Arthur was the person whom he looked for since he accidentally saw a letter A imprinted in Arthur's chest. Arthur's health was getting worse because of his private guilt and his suffering since he kept his sins as secret. To protect Arthur from Roger's bad treatment, Hester arranged an encounter with Arthur in the forest and told him that Roger was her husband. They then arranged to leave Boston to Europe four days later to start a new life as a family.

4. Falling action : on the public holiday, when Arthur should have sailed with Hester and Pearl, he delivered an election sermon. After that, he revealed the truth whether he was a sinner, just like Hester. And he told that his confession should be revealed since seven years earlier. He also showed an A that imprinted in his chest to the society before he fell died.

5. Catastrophe : Roger frustrated with his revenge and he died a year later and gave his inheritance to Pearl, even though she wasn't his daughter. Hester and Pearl left Boston and some years later, Hester returned to Boston, still wearing scarlet letter, lived there until she died and was buried in the site of King's Chapel. Pearl her self, stayed in Europe, got married and never returned to Boston anymore.

6. Moral message

1. A lie is never good, even though death threaten on the other side.

2. Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred.

3. Don't ever do any evil's act because whoever does it should look well to him self or he may find the bargain to go hard against him, involving, if not his soul, yet many of its better attributes: its study force, its courage and constancy, its truth, its self reliance and all that gives the emphasis to mainly character.



Sunday, October 5, 2008

Arti Idul Fitri

Hari Idul Fitri tlah tiba.... sebuah hari kemenangan bagi umat Islam yang telah menjalankan kewajiban puasa selama kurang lebih 30 hari. Bagiku...(sekali lagi bagi aku) hari kemenangan ini mempunyai berbagai macam arti, diantaranya
A. Banyak orang yang tiba-tiba sense of art-nya muncul, seperti yang dituangkan dalam beberapa sms ucapan lebaran berikut ini:

1)Kabut pagi tenggelamkan dunia dalam remang;Sayup takbir di kejauhan sadarkan jiwa;ingatkan peluh-peluh dosa; Tertatih oleh beban hidup yg tak kunjung berujung; tunduk diri pinta sabar dan ampunan; atas kata yang kadang tajam meluka; laku yang mungkin mengonak cidera;ketuk hati yang mendengki rasa; Minal aidin wal Faizin; mohon maaf lahir batin.

2).Jika ramadhan menawarkan kefitrahan, mengejakan pencerahan, dan kearifan, ....maka akankah hamba ini mendapatkannya jika tidak diberi ampunan dari sesama?

3). Let's write all the mistakes down in the sand;And let the wind of forgiveness erase it away;Happy Idhul Fitri, minal aidin wal Faizin....

3). Naturaken wilujeng Idul Fitri,nyuwun ngapunten lahir lan batin; Mugi kita kanugrahan jatining fitrah saking Gusti ingkang maha Pemurah.

4). Tiada pemberian terindah selain DIMAAFKAN dan tiada perbuatan termuliakan selain MEMAAFKAN....

5). Mobil balap pake payung, SMS di dunia maya. Maaf kalo nggak nyambung...mumpung lagi hari raya, mohon maaf lahir dan batin...

6). Terselip kilaf dalam canda; tergores luka dalam tawa; terbersit pilu dalam tingkah laku; tersinggung rasa dalam bicara...tulus terucap mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

7). Saking telenging manah, kanthi tulusing jiwa, kula sak gotrah nyuwun lubering pangaputen lahir batos ugi ngaturaken sugeng Riyadi....

8). Dhahar kupat mawi santen, sedoya lepat nyuwun pangapunten, Inggih mboten? Panci ngaten! Semanten...Punten..